Pricing and Availability

Most of our services can be scheduled same day if availability allows.

To secure an appointment with us, scheduling in advance is HIGHLY recommended.

Ceramic coating appointments MUST be scheduled in advance due to the amount of time they require to complete.

Total Wash:

Coupe: $35.00

Sedan: $40.00

Small truck/Crossover: $50.00

Large Truck: $60.00

Van: $65.00

Exterior Wash:

Coupe: $25.00

Sedan: $30.00

Small truck/Crossover: $35.00

Large Truck: $40.00

Van: $45.00

Interior Cleaning:

Coupe: $25.00

Sedan: $30.00

Small truck/Crossover: $35.00

Large Truck: $40.00

Van: $45.00

Total Detail:

Coupe: $169.00

Sedan: $179.00

Small truck/Crossover: $199.00

Large Truck: $219.00

Van: $239.00

Exterior Detail:

Coupe: $109.00

Sedan: $119.00

Small truck/Crossover: $139.00

Large Truck: $149.00

Van: $169.00

Interior Detail:

Coupe: $109.00

Sedan: $119.00

Small truck/Crossover: $139.00

Large Truck: $149.00

Van: $169.00

Wash and Wax:

Coupe: $49.00

Sedan: $55.00

Small truck/Crossover: $60.00

Large Truck: $65.00

Van: $70.00

Ceramic Coating:

By Quotation Only